Pest Control

Seasonal Pest Control Tips – Addressing Challenges Throughout The Year

As temperatures drop, rodents like mice and rats seek shelter indoors. Maintain a clean, pest-free environment by regularly emptying trash bins and sweeping, storing firewood away from your home, and repairing any cracks or crevices.

In addition, seal all entry points to prevent insects and critters from entering through your doors or windows. If you are not sure what to do, calling Pest Control Flower Mound TX services is your option.

pest control


As spring and summer arrive, pests will be at their most active, looking for food, water, and shelter. The good news is that a proactive approach to pest prevention can significantly reduce the risks of these unwanted visitors in your home or business. The key is focusing on yard maintenance and cleaning, sealing entry points, and practicing proper waste management techniques.

Pests are attracted to moisture and can gain access to homes through small cracks or crevices, as well as through clogged vents and openings around windows and doors. It is important to regularly inspect the outside of your property and address any signs of pest activity, including urine or feces marks, gnaw marks, and nests. In addition, you should also clean up yard debris, sand or mulch piles, and woodpiles that can serve as hiding places for rodents.

In the kitchen and pantry, it is essential to store all foods in airtight containers and sweep up crumbs regularly. Also, make sure all trash cans are tightly closed and emptied often, as pests may be attracted to discarded food waste. Properly disposing of any materials entering your building should also be a priority, as pests like Indian meal moths and merchant grain beetles can contaminate stored products.

During the summer, keep up with yard maintenance by keeping grass trimmed and removing any overgrown shrubs or leaf litter. This will help prevent mosquitoes and other pests from breeding in damp and humid areas. In addition, you should frequently clean gutters and drains to eliminate standing water, as cockroaches and other pests love moist environments.

In the fall, many pests will seek shelter indoors as temperatures drop. This is particularly true of mice, rats, and cockroaches. It is a good idea to regularly inspect the interior of your home or business for signs of these pests, such as droppings, gnaw marks, and nesting sites. It is also a good idea to seal all cracks and gaps, especially those in the foundation, siding, and trim. In addition, you should drain outdoor spigots and properly store firewood to avoid pest infestations.


In summer, pests are most active in search of food and shelter. They can enter homes through cracks and crevices, so it is essential to inspect and seal all exterior entry points, including those around windows, doors, vents, and utility lines. Use caulk and weather stripping to minimize the risk of pests infiltrating living spaces.

Mosquitoes and other water-loving pests breed in standing water, so it is vital to regularly empty birdbaths, pet bowls, clogged gutters, flowerpot saucers, and other containers where rainwater collects. This helps prevent the spread of disease and pest infestations.

While flies, mosquitoes, and bees are more often associated with summer and fall, many pest species remain problematic in the warmer months as well. Ants, cockroaches, and spiders are also problematic in warm weather, as they are attracted to food sources and sheltered areas like crawlspaces.

Maintaining a well-groomed yard is also important to minimize the risk of summer pests. Trim shrubs and tree branches, rake leaves, and remove dead vegetation to minimize hiding spots for pests. If you have a woodpile, make sure it is kept away from your home and elevated off the ground to prevent rodents and insects from using it as their nesting or feeding site.

Indoors, storing food in airtight containers can prevent pests from infesting pantries and cabinets. It is also important to quickly clean up any sticky spills and crumbs, and sweep surfaces frequently. All trash bins should be tightly sealed, and garbage should be disposed of frequently to limit the growth of bacteria that can contaminate stored food.

It is also vital to reduce the number of entry points for pests into commercial buildings. This can be done by conducting regular inspections of the facility to look for signs of a pest problem, such as droppings, gnaw marks, and sounds. All entrances should be closed with caulk or steel wool, especially in areas where utilities enter the building. If pests do gain access to the interior of a building, it is important to contact professional pest control services right away.


At this time of year, many pests that have been hiding in the spring and summer are resuming their activity. The weather changes encourage them to search for food, shelter, and water. They also begin laying eggs, which will hatch in the winter and continue to reproduce throughout the season. Knowing the patterns of these pests helps us identify problems and prevent them from happening.

As temperatures fall, mosquitoes become more active and stinging insects like bees and wasps are in their peak seasons. A variety of treatments are used to reduce mosquito populations, including larvicides and barrier applications. Ants and flies also are more prevalent at this time of year, and treatment methods include baiting and barrier applications. Rodents become more active as the temperature drops, and rodent control measures include trapping and sealing entry points.

Cockroaches are prone to breeding at this time of year, and treatment methods may include baits, insect growth regulators, and crack and crevice applications. Stink bugs are also active in the fall, and they invade homes to seek warmth and shelter. They are most likely to invade basements and closets, but they can infest other rooms as well.

Maintaining a clean facility is a good way to prevent pest infestations. This includes storing food in airtight containers and promptly cleaning up spills and crumbs. It is important to regularly clean and sweep floors, as pests such as ants, flies and beetles can easily infest cluttered areas.

Lastly, it is essential to inspect and seal entry points to your facility. These can be found around windows, doors, utility lines, and plumbing. A thorough inspection should include repairing cracks and gaps, installing door sweeps and screens on windows, and keeping crawl spaces, attics, and basements properly ventilated and dry. Doing these things will keep pests out of the facility and prevent them from infesting your staff, patients, or visitors. It will also help to limit the amount of moisture that accumulates in these spaces, which can cause mold and other problems. It is important to continue these practices during the winter, as ice dams and snow can create leaks that will draw pests into your facility.


As the weather gets colder, pests that have been hiding out during summer and fall begin to look for warmth and shelter indoors. They may be mice, rats, cockroaches, ants, or spiders, and they pose a variety of threats to your home and health. Rodents can carry diseases, spiders can bite, and roaches can cause allergies and asthma. Fortunately, there are simple measures you can take to help keep these pests out of your home year-round.

The first step is to inspect your home’s exterior. Look for cracks and crevices, and seal them with caulk. Pay special attention to areas where utility lines and pipes enter the house, as these are common entry points for pests.

Inside your home, regularly clean and declutter rooms to eliminate hiding spots for pests. This will also help reduce the humidity in your home, which is a magnet for pests. Regularly vacuum and sweep floors, wipe down surfaces, and properly dispose of food waste. Keep garbage bins sealed and emptied, and store firewood away from the house (a mouse only needs a hole the size of a dime to make its way into your home).

Outside, focus on maintaining a well-groomed yard by trimming shrubs, eliminating standing water, and removing debris. This will help keep pests away from your property and keep them from using nearby vegetation as pathways to your home.

Finally, be sure to regularly check and replace the screens on your windows and doors. This helps to keep pests like flies, mosquitoes, and ants at bay.